Monday, November 10, 2014

Oil Flowers

My girls love for me to make "oil flowers" for them to take to sleep.  It started when I was trying to help my older daughter get to sleep when she had a headache.  I took a cotton ball and added two drops of lavender oil, then wrapped it in a Kleenex to keep the oil from touching her skin.  I gave it to her and told her to hold it close to her nose and breathe in the oil.  It worked beautifully!  Her headache eased up and she fell right to sleep. 
Now both girls like to have "oil flowers" often.  Whether for a headache, bellyache, coughing or just trouble falling to sleep.

Next time you have a little one who is having troubles at bedtime, try an "oil flower"!

A great source for essential oils is Spark Naturals.  For 10% off of your entire order, use discount code:  lisakaye


  1. What a cute idea! Something they can hold on to. I collect hankies, so that would be good too and the hankies would continue to smell
